Our Bear Hunts

Taylor Creek Outfitters offers free-range black bear hunts through baiting only. We do not run dogs. Bait stations are fully baited starting 31 days prior to your hunt per Michigan’s DNR guidelines. Bait Stations are monitored for bear activity through the use of trail cameras. Once hit, we bait every other day until the week prior to the hunt at which we then bait on a daily basis as needed. This ensures the bears stay in the area and provides us for the best chance to harvest a bear. Stands and Blinds are provided.

black bear rolled the logs away to get at the bait

These are wild bears. Their activity is unpredictable. Safety measures and caution are exercised on every hunt. While we can not control and plan for every situation, we can be educated on what to do in certain situations. Bears are usually more afraid of humans than we are of them. However, we will review what to do should you encounter an aggressive bear prior to your hunt. If you plan to carry a handgun, residents must possess a concealed pistol license. Non-residents must own and have either a concealed pistol license or a license to purchase, carry, or transport issued by their own state in their possession in order to legally carry or transport a handgun in Michigan.

Call (906) 361-2440
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Taylor Creek Outfitters